Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Social Media Optimization(SMO)

Social media marketing is a term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction and the construction of words, audio and video. Social media is having people conversation online and the conversation is powered by blogs, micro blogs, RSS, online chat, social networking, message board, video sharing sites, photo sharing site and much more. It’s a best form of internet marketing to achieve a branding and marketing goal through the participation in various social media channel. Social media marketing is very inexpensive and fast way to expand your business branding.

Social media optimization (SMO), a type of search engine marketing, is a collection of practices used for networking and promotional needs, via word of mouth. This is produced not through family or friends but by the usage of networking in online community sites, video sites, social bookmarking and photo sharing sites. There are various ways of imbibing SMO, for example, by adding RSS feeds, including buttons of various SMO sites, blogging etc. All software development company and Web development company provides SMO services.
Here are four sites that might be of great use to one who is on the lookout of good SMO sites.
Del.icio.us is (part of the Yahoo family) one of the most quondam social networking sites and also one of the best among SMO sites. Also very popular in the US, this is a collection of favorites of its members. This site allows saving links of favorite articles, sharing them with others while also discovering new sites and articles of interest.
Being one of the most preferred and famous social bookmarking sites, this site has become one of the predominant names in the field of SMO. As the names clearly suggest, Popular means the articles that are popular among the members and Upcoming contains articles that are gaining popularity and importance.
Another great way to know and share great websites is through this site. Contributing to SMO to a greater extent, StumbleUpon allows rating of various sites, articles etc, which proves useful for the fellow readers. This site allows discovering new sites and also networking between like-minded people.
This livewire site is an all time-updating part of the web that includes tagging, blogs and anything that is found of use, by its members. The site also allows commenting on topics by other members, thus developing a community of similar minded people. This site also promotes Blog reactions, which are articles or blogs that are connected or linked to your blogs. Your rank or authority in the site is decided, depending on the number of blog reaction links that your blog has.

SMO Social Media Optimization is related to search engine marketing, but differs in several ways, primarily the focus on driving traffic from sources other than search engines, though improved search ranking is also a benefit of successful SMO. SMO is one of two online methods of website optimization; the other method is search engine optimization or SEO.SEO is also classified in to three methods Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO and Gray Hat SEO.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post!

    SMO involves driving traffic from sites other than search engines it helps in upgrading the search ranking.

    Thanks for sharing..
    SEO company New York
